“Here we are/See: this is the castle of Bluebeard/No shines like your father’s one/Judith, do you follow me?”….Who does not know Bartók’s passionate opera, in which at a ‘star-lit black night’ along the tear and blood-soaked gloomy rooms the young lady in love, praying for the keys of the secret doors, meets her doom, as the fourth victim of the prince…

The ‘Bluebeard’s Castle medal series won the ‘Honorable Mention’ award at the 30th International Medal Art Exhibition (2007, Colorado Springs). At this biennial exhibition of the highly regarded international association only the First Prize was given, apart from this mention. The ‘glory’ of the old wood was a breakthrough inside the medalists’ circles.

A friend of mine just wanted to burn a rickety jointing plane. The traces of tools and the time sealed its fate, the wood wore out, and the holes lost their shape. How to capture the waters of forgetfulness, how to present this drama? I drew circles around some pieces with pencil, saying: “Please cut out these pieces and the rest can be burn”.

According to the regulations of the medallist exhibitions, an accepted object must have 15×15 cm size maximum. Today, artists of the medal art are stretching the extreme limits of this genre, using unusual materials and variegated forms.

We can find the classical, well-known medals at the displays on the wall, while the irregular “printouts” of profane subjects are in the drawers. But here are the two-sided medals with “window”, grabbed convulsively by wistful collectors: “I need this!”, and they do hope not giving up any more.

The “mounted” medals are made of shining pure steel with perfect accuracy, even if they would be tricky moving, sound-generating parts of a magic device.

Our foregoing knowledge in medal art is altering drawer by drawer. Along the bubbles encapsulated in plexiglass and along the magic Far-East writings, there are animal skulls, inlayed into finely chiselled wooden disks. And “art boxes”, which are able to tell us everyday stories, seceding from the strict interpretation of the medal.

The disks, triangles, squares, coconut shells, all decorated with feathers, shells, pearls, semiprecious stones, and laces, are not for expelling the evil spirits. The cultic “proto-coins”, referred to the beginning of our civilization, are fictional objects. Early times similar ones served as money.

As a laic person, we have an impression that we might call ‘medal’ every artistic objects of a man’s palm size, what tangibly represents the proceeded value, be a cultural heritage, a human performance, or the life itself.

But the objects of the Past can transform not only into medals. Pieces of broken clocks, out-served tubes, trumpets make the row of “clock sculptures”. And the iron, deprived from its substance, recalls the nailed objects of Man Ray.

My father was a sculptor as well. When I buy a hammer in my childhood, he wondered: “I have a lot of hammers in the workshop”. But I said: It is mine!”. Somehow it started…
27/10/2013 Budapest

Fontosabb díjak:
1993 – Arcok és Sorsok, Országos Portrébiennále, Hatvan, Aranydiploma fődíj
1996 – 9th Cloisonne Jewelry Contest, Tokyo, Encouragement Prize
1996 – Fej Vagy Írás, éremkiállítás fődíja
1997, 2007 – XI., XIV. Országos Érembiennále, Sopron, Civitas Fidelissima díj
2000 – 7. Országos Faszobrászati Kiállítás, Nagyatád, a város díja.
2002 – Masaccio 600 International Art Medal Competition, Ein Vered (Izrael), Special Mention
2003 – XIV. Országos Érembiennále, Sopron, Civitas Fidelissima díj
2003 – Rejtő Jenő emlékkiállítás és pályázat, Budapest, Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum, I. díj
2006 – II. Articum Nemzetközi Képzőművészeti Biennálé, Szolnok, Szobrászati díj
2006 – Ligeti Erika-díj
2007 – XVI. Országos Érembiennále, Sopron, Ferenczy Béni-díj
2007 – Art Medal World Congress FIDEM XXX, Colorado Springs (USA), „Honorable Mention”
A Magyar Képzőművészek és Iparművészek Szövetsége, Éremszakosztályának elnöke